
when ethics runs before the law

The concept of ‘sustainability’ is constantly evolving; starting from a vision predominantly centred on ecological aspects, it has moved towards a more global meaning that takes into account not only the environmental, but also the economic and social dimensions: the three dimensions of sustainable development. Sustainability implies constant and preferably increasing well-being (environmental, social, economic) and the prospect of leaving future generations a quality of life that is not inferior to the present one.

Sustainability is measured by means of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) values and is expressed in ESG balance sheets, the preparation of which is already compulsory for large companies, and in the next few years the number of companies subject to this obligation will gradually expand to include micro enterprises.

Our firm is equipping itself to support its clients in tackling this responsibility, which is far more onerous than the already considerable one imposed on companies in recent years (think for instance of data retention, privacy protection, anti-money laundering provisions) since it is placed in the interest of the entire community.

The awareness that it is not only the environment that deserves respect, but also those who live in it and come into contact with it, implies the usefulness of adopting ‘sustainable’ behaviour even in the absence of legal obligations, or anticipating them.

We are convinced of this and these are the steps we have been taking for some time.

  • for routes that cannot be covered on foot or by bicycle, we prefer the use of public transport instead of private cars
  • documental files are 90% virtual, with the elimination of paper files
  • books, journals and study materials are purchased and updated in electronic format whenever possible
  • we use washable or recyclable materials for the storage and consumption of food and beverages
  • all our employees have been equipped with laptops that allow them to perform remote work alternating with face-to-face work
  • all our employees are employed on a permanent basis
  • we guarantee regular health check-ups for all our employees
  • all employees of the Firm have a specially equipped room that they can use for preparing and eating meals
  • all employees have free parking spaces for their vehicles
  • we devote more than 300 hours each year free of charge to active participation in the work of institutional bodies of the legal profession (bar, foundations, forensic schools)
  • we dedicate free of charge more than 20 hours each year to the training of colleagues
  • when we assist third sector organisations we do so free of charge
  • we carry out ‘pro bono’ activities also in litigation in favour of the less well-off